KYP ID Sigla Position Language Type of text Conventional title
KYP T634

P. Macq. I 1
P. Macq. inv. 375

p. 11 ll. 15-26 – p. 12 ll. 17-18

Egyptian (Coptic)

Healing/protection (magical, formulary)

Instructions for creation of the amulet (protection), offering, water, wine, and bread
KYP T635

P. Macq. I 1
P. Macq. inv. 375

p. 12 ll. 19-20

Egyptian (Coptic)

Exorcism (magical, formulary)

For someone who is possessed
KYP T636

P. Macq. I 1
P. Macq. inv. 375

p. 12 ll. 21-22

Egyptian (Coptic)

Healing (magical, formulary)

For any sickness
KYP T1358

P. Macq. I 1
P. Macq. inv. 375

p. 13 ll. 1-7

Egyptian (Coptic)

Curse (magical, formulary)

Against someone who is annoying you
KYP T1359

P. Macq. I 1
P. Macq. inv. 375

p. 13 ll. 8-11

Egyptian (Coptic)

Exorcism (magical, formulary)

For someone who is possessed
KYP T1360

P. Macq. I 1
P. Macq. inv. 375

p. 13 ll. 11-18

Egyptian (Coptic)

Good business (magical, formulary)

Spell for good business
KYP T1361

P. Macq. I 1
P. Macq. inv. 375

p. 13 l. 19

Egyptian (Coptic)

Love spell (magical, formulary)

Love spell
KYP T1362

P. Macq. I 1
P. Macq. inv. 375

p. 13 ll. 20-21

Egyptian (Coptic)

Curse (magical, formulary)

Binding procedure
KYP T1363

P. Macq. I 1
P. Macq. inv. 375

p. 13 ll. 24-25

Egyptian (Coptic)

Curse against a ship (magical, formulary)

Restraining a ship
KYP T1364

P. Macq. I 1
P. Macq. inv. 375

p. 13 ll. 26-27

Egyptian (Coptic)

Conception (healing, magical, formulary)

To make a woman conceive