Archive name: Multilingual Library
Trismegistos Archive ID: question mark icon Page on the database Trismegistos Collections for the archive. 380
Date: question mark icon Dates are CE unless preceded by a minus sign <->, in which case they are BCE. 401 – 700
Provenance: Herakleopolites, Egypt (?)
Trismegistos Place ID: question mark icon Page on the database Trismegistos Places for the place of provenance.
Manuscripts: KYP M126 180 540 840 902 903 904 905 906 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134
See all manuscripts in this archive.

These manuscripts seem to comprise an “archive”, meaning that they were probably brought together and deposited by an ancient person or persons.


Three formulae, two Greek rotuli (PGM CXXIII, PGM CXXIV ) and a Coptic codex (P. Mil. Vogl. Copt. 16), and several fragments in Greek, Coptic and Aramaic (PGM CXXIIIb-f, PGM CXXVa-f). Some of these fragments may be applied texts, and repeat texts found in the formularies.


No information is known about their acquisition, but they all seem to have been purchased in a single sale (cf. Daniel and Maltomini 1992: p. 232).


All of the manuscripts have been dated palaeographically to the fifth century, except for P. Mil. Vogl. Copt. 16 (M126) which has been dated to between the fifth and seventh centuries, and PGM CXXIV (M840), PGM CXXVa (M902), and PGM CXXVe (M905) which have been dated to the fifth or sixth centuries, and which has been dated to the late fifth or early sixth century.


All of the texts are written in Greek, except for P. Mil. Vogl. Copt. 16 (M126), which is written entirely in Coptic, and PGM CXXVb (M903), one side of which is written in Aramaic. The dialect of the Coptic text (P. Mil. Vogl. Copt. 16=M126) led the editors to suggest that the group might come from the region of Beni Suef in Middle Egypt (Daniel and Maltomini 1992: p. 231).


All of the manuscripts are written on papyrus. P. Mil. Vogl. Copt. 16 (M126) is a miniature codex, while PGM CXXIIIa (M180) and PGM CXXIV (M840) are rotuli. The remaining texts are two fragmentary to be sure of their format.


All of the manuscripts contain various kinds of magical texts. PGM CXXIIIa (M180) is a formulary, parts of which are replicated in PGM CXXIIIb-f (M1130, M1131, M1132, M1133, M1134), which may be applied texts or formularies. PGM CXXIV (M840) and P. Mil. Vogl. Copt. 16 (M126) are formularies, while the nature of the remaining manuscripts (applied texts or formularies) is unclear due to their fragmentary nature.


Bresciani, Edda, Sergio Pernigotti, Franco Maltomini, P. Marrassini. “Nuovi papiri magici in copto, greco e aramaico.” Studi classici e orientali 29 (1973): 16-130.

Daniel, Robert W. and Franco Maltomini. Supplementum Magicum, Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag, 1992, vol. 2, p. 231-268.

Pernigotti, Sergio. “Una rilettura del P.Mil.Vogl.Copto 16.” Aegyptus 73.1/2 (1993): 93-125.

Edit History:

KD (29/9/2020); EL (29/9/2020)

How to cite:
Korshi Dosoo, Edward O.D. Love & Markéta Preininger (chief editors). "KYP A17: Multilingual Library," Kyprianos Database of Ancient Ritual Texts and Objects, Accessed on 27/07/2024

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