In this episode of the podcast, we are discussing Coptic pharmacological texts with Anne Grons, who is currently finishing her thesis on the topic. Pharmacological texts offer a window into ancient medical practices. The pharmacological prescriptions are aimed at healing various issues, often by applying remedies made of plants, animals, minerals or other substances, to the body. Coptic pharmacological texts are crucial for understanding Coptic magical prescriptions – often, the boundaries between the two genres are blurred, as they tend to use the same formulations or ingredients. Anne Grons has studied Egyptology and was the assistant/lexicographer at the project Dictionary and Database of Greek Loanwords in Coptic (DDGLC) (Freie Universität Berlin). Currently, she is a researcher at the Institute of the History of Pharmacy and Medicine (in formation) at Philipps-Universität Marburg led by Prof. Dr. Tanja Pommerening.

Looking Back at the Five Years of the Coptic Magical Papyri Project – Coptic Magical Papyri Podcast
- Looking Back at the Five Years of the Coptic Magical Papyri Project
- Magic in the Byzantine World with Michael Zellmann-Rohrer
- Talking Ancient Magic with David Frankfurter
- Intersection between Christian and Jewish Magic with Joseph Sanzo
- Greek and Egyptian Deities in Coptic Magical Texts with Roxanne Bélanger Sarrazin