Sigla: question mark icon Modern names for the manuscript, including inventory and publication numbers.

PCM 1 11
PCM I 11
Leiden Anastasi 9
Leiden Anastasy 9
P. Leiden I 385
Anastasy 9 (1828)

Category: question mark icon Classification of the contents, e.g. magical (formulary or applied), alchemical, liturgical, documentary or medical.

Magical (formulary)


1. p. 1 l. 1 – p. 14 l. 14: Prayer of Gregory.
2. p. 14 l. 13 – p. 20 l. 5: Anonymous Prayer for protection.
3. p. 20 l. 6 – p. 23 l. 26: Letter of Abgar to Jesus
4. p. 24 l. 1 – p. 25 l. 23: Letter of Jesus to Abgar
5. p. 25 l. 24 – p. 28 l. 21: Prayer of Judas Cyriacus
6. p. 28 ll. 22-27: Names of 7 Sleepers of Ephesus
7. p. 29 ll. 1-22: List of 40 martyrs of Sebaste.
8. p. 29 l. 23 – p. 30 l. 28: Incipits of the 4 gospels and Psalm LXX 90.

See all texts in this manuscript.


Egyptian (Coptic)





Language/dialect notes:
Date: question mark icon Dates are CE unless preceded by a minus sign <->, in which case they are BCE. 551 – 800
Date notes:

Dosoo/Preininger (2023: 109-111) date to the late sixth to eighth century based on the usual range of similar codices from the Theban region. Sixth century according to TM (10/10/2018) and Sanzo (2014: p. 82)

Archive/collection: question mark icon Larger collection to which manuscript belongs.
Archive name:
State of edition:







Dimensions (cm): Height: 22 Width: 14.5 Depth: 5.3
Dimensions (notes):

Dosoo/Preininger 2023: 109; collection Website (27/5/2020)

Folding pattern:


State of preservation:

Complete, some damage to first two pages.

Pages/Columns: question mark icon Total surviving columns in the manuscript for rolls, sheets and rotuli; total number of pages for codices.


Pages/Columns (notes):

15 folios = 30 pages; 27-29 lines per page; pp. 31-32 blank. 3 quires: quire 1 is a ternion (folios 1-6), quire 2 is a quaternion (folios 7-14), quire 3 is a singleton (folio 15). 15-19 characters per line (PAThs 25/6/2021). Described as 16 folios on col. website (24/6/2021), but this may be due to confusion in folio numbering – folio 15 is numbered 16 on the verso (ⲓⲋ).



Memnoneia – Djeme, Thebes West, Egypt

(TM places ID: 1341)
Place of purchase: (TM places ID: )

Memnoneia – Djeme, West Bank of Thebes, Egypt (?)

(TM places ID: 1341)
Present Location:

Leiden, National Museum of Antiquities

Collection History:

Acquired by the National Museum (Rijksmuseum van Oudheden) as part of the 1828 purchase of a large number of items from Jean d’Anastasy, Consul-General of Sweden and Norway; it appears in the catalogue (Rijksmuseum van Oudheden inv. 3.1.6, compiled in 1827) on p. 95 as no. 9. The statement in Pleyte and Boeser 1897: p. v that it was found in Thebes by Jean d’Anastasy must be incorrect based on the timeline of the catalogue and sale (Dosoo/Preininger 2023: 110)

Trismegistos collection: question mark icon Page on the database Trismegistos collections for the institution which currently houses the manuscript. 178
Collection website:


Parallel to the Prayer of Gregory in Greek (see Strittmatter 1930, 1932) is attributed to Gregory Thaumatourgos.

Iron gall ink (Dosoo/Preininger 2023: 111).


★ Dosoo, Korshi, and Markéta Preininger. Papyri Copticae Magicae. Coptic Magical Texts, Volume 1: Formularies (PCM I 1), Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete – Beihefte 48. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023, p. 109-171, no. 11.

Pleyte, Willem, and Pieter A. A. Boeser. Manuscrits coptes du Musée d’Antiquités des Pays-Bas à Leide. Leiden: E. T. Brill, 1897, p. 441-479, no. 38.


Boeser, Pieter A.A. “Deux textes coptes du Musée d’antiquités des Pays – Bas à Leide.” In Recueil d’études égyptologiques dédiées à la mémoire de Jean-François Champollion. Paris, 1922, p. 529-535.

Kropp, Angelicus. Ausgewählte koptische Zaubertexte. Übersetzungen und Anmerkungen. Vol. 2. Bruxelles: Édition de la Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth, 1931, no. 22, pp. 73-75, no. 23, pp. 76, no. 27 pp. 81-85; no. 45, pp. 161-171, no. 46, pp. 171-175, no. 63 B, pp. 220-221, no. 64 A, pp. 221.

Lexa, František. La magie dans l’Égypte antique de l’ancien empire jusqu’à l’époque copte 2. Les textes magiques. Paris: Librairie orientaliste P. Geuthner, 1925, p. 173-180, nos. XVIII-XXI.

Meyer, Marvin W., and Richard Smith. Ancient Christian Magic: Coptic Texts of Ritual Power. Princeton (New Jersey): Princeton University Press, 1999, p. 311-322, no. 134.

Pernigotti, Sergio. “La magia copta: I testi.” In Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt, edited by Hildegard Temporini and Wolfgang Haase, II.18.5 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1995), p. 3700-3704 (numbers 4, 5, 7).

Pernigotti, Sergio. Testi della magia copta, Imola: Editrice La Mandragora, 2000, p. 67-69, nos. 37-38.


Bélanger Sarrazin, Roxanne. “Les appels au « Jésus guérisseur » dans les formules iatromagiques coptes”, in Études coptes XVI. Dix-huintième journée dàétudes (Bruxelles, 22-24 juin 2017) (Cahiers de la bibiothèque copte 23), edited by Anne Boud’hors, Esther Garel, Catherine Louis and Naïm Vanthieghem. Paris: Éditions de Boccard, 2020, p. 192.

Boud’hors, Anne. “À la récherche des manuscrits coptes de la région thébaine.” in From Gnostics to Monastics: Studies in Coptic and Early Christianity in Honor of Bentley Layton, edited by David Brakke, Stephen J. Davis and Stephen Emmel (eds.) (Leuven: Peeters, 2017), p. 175-212.

Crum, Walter E. “Besprechung – Manuscripts coptes du Musée d’Antiquités des Pays-Bas à Leide.” Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 1 (1899): 17-21.

Geerard, Maurice. Clavis Apocryphorum Novi Testamenti. Turnhout: Brepols 1992.

Given, J. Gregory. “Utility and Variance in Late Antique Witnesses to the Abgar-Jesus Correspondence”. Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 17 (2016): 177-222.

Raven, Maarten J. Egyptische Magie, het toverboek van Thot (Walburg Pers, Leiden, 2010) plate 137.

Raven, Maarten J. Schrift en Schrijvers in het Oude Egypte (Amsterdam: 1996), 13 plate no. 6.

Raven, Maarten J. Papyrus. Van bies tot boekrol, met een bloemlezing uit de Leidse papyrusverzameling. Zutphen: 1982, no. 25.

Sanzo, Joseph E. “At the Crossroads of Ritual Practice and Anti-Magical Discourse in Late Antiquity: Taxonomies of Licit and Illicit Rituals in Leiden, Ms. AMS 9 and Related Sources”, Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft 14.2 (2019): 230-254.

Sanzo, Joseph E. Scriptural Incipits on Amulets from Late Antique Egypt Text, Typology, and Theory. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2014, 82-83.

Strittmatter, A.. “Ein griechisches Exorcismusbüchlein: Ms. Car. C 143b der Zentralbibliothek in Zürich”, Orientalia Christiana 20 (1930), 169-178 (Greek parallel).

Strittmatter, A.. “Ein griechisches Exorcismusbüchlein: Ms. Car. C 143b der Zentralbibliothek in Zürich”, Orientalia Christiana 26 (1932), 125-144 (Greek parallel).

Szirmai, J.A. The Archaeology of Medieval Bookbinding. Aldershot: 1999, p. 34, 37, 41, 43, figures 3.3 and 3.8.

Trismegistos ID:


PAThs: 3355
PGM: question mark icon Papyri Gracae Magicae SM: question mark icon Supplementum Magicum GEMF: question mark icon Greek and Egyptian Magical Formularies (forthcoming) ACM: question mark icon Ancient Christian Magic


Bélanger Sarrazin: question mark icon Bélanger-Sarrazin. “Catalogue des textes magiques coptes”


AKZ: question mark icon Ausgewählte koptische Zaubertexte

2.22, 2.23, 2.27, 2.45, 2.46, 2.63b, 2.64a

CBd: question mark icon Campbell-Bonner Magical Gems Database Mert.-Pack: question mark icon Mertens-Pack online database
Van H: question mark icon van Haelst, Catalogue des papyrus littéraires Bruyn-Dijkstra: question mark icon de Bruyn and Dijkstra, “Greek Amulets and Formularies (Checklist)" TheDefix: question mark icon Thesaurus Defixionum To Zodion:
Edit History:

MPS (10/10/2018); MPS (15/10/2018); EL (30/10/2018); KD (30/10/2018); KD (29/10/2019); KD (13/2/2020); KD (16/10/2020); KD (1/7/2021); KD (22/9/2021); KD (20/11/2023)

How to cite:
Korshi Dosoo, Edward O.D. Love & Markéta Preininger (chief editors). "KYP M171," Kyprianos Database of Ancient Ritual Texts and Objects, Accessed on 11/02/2025

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