Sigla: question mark icon Modern names for the manuscript, including inventory and publication numbers.

SM 71
P. Monac. II 28
P. Münch II 28
P. Münch 2 28
P. Lett. Carlini 34.

Category: question mark icon Classification of the contents, e.g. magical (formulary or applied), alchemical, liturgical, documentary or medical.

Magical (formulary)


1. Fr. 2 + Fr. 21, Ro, ll. 1-6: Love spell
2. Fr. 1, Ro, ll. 1-6: Love spell
3. Fr. 3, Ro, ll. 1-4: Unclear
4. Fr. 4, Ro, ll. 1-2: Unclear (mention of a cow)
5. Fr. 5, Ro, ll. 1-4: Love spell
6. Fr. 6, Ro, ll. 1-4: Unclear
7. Fr. 7, Ro, ll. 1-5: Unclear recipe
8. Fr. 8, Ro, ll. 1-3: Unclear
9. Fr. 9, Ro, ll. 1-2: Love spell
10. Fr. 10, Ro, l. 1: Unclear recipe
11. Fr. 11, Ro, ll. 1-2: Love spell
12. Fr. 12, Ro, ll. 1-3: Unclear
13. Fr. 13, Ro, ll. 1-2: Unclear
14. Fr. 14, Ro, ll. 1-4: Love spell
15. Fr. 15, Ro, ll. 1-2: Unclear
16. Fr. 16, Ro, ll. 1-2: Unclear
17. Fr. 17, Ro, ll. 1-4: Unclear
18. Fr. 18, Ro, ll. 1-3: Unclear
19. Fr. 19, Ro, ll. 1-2: Unclear recipe
20. Fr. 20, Ro, ll. 1-2: Unclear
21. Fr. 22, Ro, ll. 1-4: Unclear
22. Fr. 23, Ro, ll. 1-3: Love spell

See all texts in this manuscript.





Language/dialect notes:
Date: question mark icon Dates are CE unless preceded by a minus sign <->, in which case they are BCE. -100 – -1
Date notes:

GEMF; Daniel & Maltomini (1992: p. 95); TM (20/5/2020)

Archive/collection: question mark icon Larger collection to which manuscript belongs.
Archive name:
State of edition:







Dimensions (cm): Height: 6.9 Width: 400 Depth:
Dimensions (notes):

Maximum height in fragment 20, column i: 4.3 cm. Daniel & Maltomini 1992: p. 95. Dimensions given are minimum, since the roll is fragmentary. Width from GEMF.
Fr. 1 (2.1 x 2, no lower margin)
Fr. 2 (7.6 x 6.2, lower margin 1.5–2.9 cm)
Fr. 3 (2.4 x 5.3, 2.9cm)
Fr. 4 (2.4 x 4.6, 3.2 cm)
Fr. 5 (4.9 x 5.5, 3.1 cm)
Fr. 6 (1.5 x 4.2, 2cm)
Fr. 7 (7.2 x 5.6, 2.9 cm)
Fr. 8 (2.5 x 5.5, 3.2 cm)
Fr. 9 (8.1 x 4.4, 2.8 cm)
Fr. 10 (6.7 x 4.7, 3 cm)
Fr. 11 (5.4 x 6, 3.7 cm)
Fr. 12 (5.7 x 6.2, 3.1 cm)
Fr. 13 (5 x 5, 3 cm)
Fr. 14 (5.9 x 5.1, 2.9cm)
Fr. 15 (1.1 x 5.3, 3.4 cm)
Fr. 16 (0.9 x 3.9, 2.0 cm)
Fr.17 (3.0 x 6.9, 2.7 cm)
Fr. 18 (4.9 x 5, 3.2cm)
Fr. 19 (6.7 x 5.5, 3.6cm)
Fr. 20 (6.8 x 6.9, 4.4 cm)
Fr. 21 (6.1 x 5.3, 2.5–3.1 cm)
Fr. 22 (6.8 x 5.9, 3.3cm)
Fr. 23 (6.3 x 5.2, 3.3cm)

Folding pattern:
State of preservation:

Fragmentary. 23 fragments from the bottom of a roll. All fragments are broken away at left, top and right. Fragment 1 also broken at the bottom. All except fragment 1 preserve much of the lower margin. (Daniel & Maltomini 1992: p. 95)

Pages/Columns: question mark icon Total surviving columns in the manuscript for rolls, sheets and rotuli; total number of pages for codices.


Pages/Columns (notes):

23 columns, recto (→). Estimate of number of columns based on fragments. Fragment 21 shows an intercolumnium of 2.5 cm.



Aswan, Egypt (?)

(TM places ID: 2207)
Place of purchase: (TM places ID: )

Aswan, Egypt (?)

(TM places ID: 2207)
Present Location:

Jena, Universität D 1 and Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek P. gr. 126

Collection History:

Munich fragments acquired through the Papyruskartell in 1908; Jena fragments recent private donation (GEMF)

Trismegistos collection: question mark icon Page on the database Trismegistos collections for the institution which currently houses the manuscript. 235
Collection website:


Daniel & Maltomini (1992: p. 95) note that the original order of the fragments cannot be ascertained except for 2 + 21.


Daniel, Robert W., and Franco Maltomini. Supplementum Magicum. Vol. 2. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1992, p. 95-105, no. 71.

Carlini, Antonio. Die Papyri der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München. Vol 2. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1986, p. 40-59, no. 28.

Colomo, Daniela and Marius Gerhardt. “Von eisernen Ringen. Neue Fragmente zu SM II 71 in der Jenaer Papyrussammlung.” Archiv für Papyrusforschung 65.1 (2019): 99-116.


Betz, Hans D. The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation. Including the Demotic Spells. Vol. 1. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986, p. 314, no. 117.


Trismegistos ID:


PGM: question mark icon Papyri Gracae Magicae


SM: question mark icon Supplementum Magicum


GEMF: question mark icon Greek and Egyptian Magical Formularies (forthcoming) 2 ACM: question mark icon Ancient Christian Magic
Bélanger Sarrazin: question mark icon Bélanger-Sarrazin. “Catalogue des textes magiques coptes” AKZ: question mark icon Ausgewählte koptische Zaubertexte CBd: question mark icon Campbell-Bonner Magical Gems Database Mert.-Pack: question mark icon Mertens-Pack online database
Van H: question mark icon van Haelst, Catalogue des papyrus littéraires Bruyn-Dijkstra: question mark icon de Bruyn and Dijkstra, “Greek Amulets and Formularies (Checklist)" TheDefix: question mark icon Thesaurus Defixionum To Zodion:
Edit History:

ST (16/5/2020); ST (19/5/2020); KD (20/5/2020); ST (20/5/2020); KD (25/5/2020); EL (29/7/2020); MPS (25/3/2021)

How to cite:
Korshi Dosoo, Edward O.D. Love & Markéta Preininger (chief editors). "KYP M179," Kyprianos Database of Ancient Ritual Texts and Objects, Accessed on 27/07/2024

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