Sigla: question mark icon Modern names for the manuscript, including inventory and publication numbers.

Badisches Landesmuseum inv. Nr. C 625

Category: question mark icon Classification of the contents, e.g. magical (formulary or applied), alchemical, liturgical, documentary or medical.

Magical (applied)


1. Ro ll. 1-10: Amulet for a group of family members (?) named Tertullus, son of Livia, Chilon, Luciolus, and Mercussa from “any risk of loss” (protection).

See all texts in this manuscript.





Language/dialect notes:
Date: question mark icon Dates are CE unless preceded by a minus sign <->, in which case they are BCE. 101 – 300
Date notes:

Kotansky (1994: p. 25; 1997: p. 136);
3rd century according to Grimm (1969: p. 213).

Archive/collection: question mark icon Larger collection to which manuscript belongs.
Archive name:
State of edition:






Metal (silver)

Dimensions (cm): Height: 4.7 Width: 6 Depth:
Dimensions (notes):

Kotansky (1994: p. 25); Grimm (1969: p. 212); Wagner (1908: p. 168).
4,5 x 5,7 cm according to Kraus (1890: p. 7).

Folding pattern:
State of preservation:


Pages/Columns: question mark icon Total surviving columns in the manuscript for rolls, sheets and rotuli; total number of pages for codices.


Pages/Columns (notes):

1 column recto, 10 lines.



Badenweiler, Germany (Germania)

(TM places ID: 27835)
Place of purchase: (TM places ID: )

Badenweiler, Germany (Germania) (?)

(TM places ID: 27835)
Present Location:

Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe

Collection History:

Found in situ in 1784 at the remains of the Roman Thermal Baths in Badenweiler (Kotansky 1994: p. 25).

Trismegistos collection: question mark icon Page on the database Trismegistos collections for the institution which currently houses the manuscript.
Collection website:


Kotansky (1994: p. 28-29) suggests that the amulet might protect the named family members as litigants in a legal procedure.

Text is Latin written in Greek script.


Brambach, Wilhelm. Corpus Inscriptionum Rhenanarum. Elberfeldae: Friderichs, 1867, p. 358, no. vi,5.

Frey, Jean-Baptise. Corpus of Jewish Inscriptions. Jewish Inscriptions from the Third Century B.C. to the Seventh Century A.D. Vol. 1. New York: Ktav Publishing House, 1975, p. 485-486, no. 674.

★ Kotansky, Roy. Greek Magical Amulets. The Inscribed Gold, Silver, Copper, and Bronze Lamellae. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1994, p. 25-30, no. 7.

Kraus, Franz Z. Die Altchristlichen Inschriften der Rheinlande von den Anfängen des Christenthums am Rheine bis zur Mitte des Achten Jahrhunderts. Freiburg: Akademische Verlagsbuchhandlungen von J. C. B. Mohr, 1890, p. 7-9, no. 13.

Leclercq, Henri. “Amulettes.” In: Dictionnaire d’Archéologie Chrétienne et de Liturgie. Vol. 1.2., edited by Fernand Cabrol. Paris: Librairie Letouzey et Ané, 1907, col. 1837, fig. 37.

Leclercq, Henri. “Enchantement.” In: Dictionnaire d’Archéologie Chrétienne et de Liturgie. Vol. 5,1-, edited by Fernand Cabrol and Henri leclercq. Paris: Librairie Letouzey et Ané, 1922, col. 38.

Wiedemann, Alfred. “Die gnostische Silbertafel von Badenweiler.” Bonner Jahrbücher 79 (1885): 215-234.


Bauer, Adolf. “Amulet aus Regensburg.” Archäologisch-Epigraphische Mitteilungen 1 (1877): 70.

Ebner, Adalbert. “Die Ältesten Denkmale des Christenthums.” Römische Quartalschrift 6 (1892): 163.

Delatte, A. “Études sur la Magie Grecque.” Le Musée Belge 17 (1913): 329.

Froehner W. Sur une Amulette Basilidienne inédite du Musée Napoléon III. Caen: Le Blanc Hardel, 1867, p. 16-17.

Grimm, Günter. Die Zeugnisse Ägyptischer Religion und Kunstelemente im Römischen Deutschland. Leiden: Brill, 1969, p. 212-213, no. 128, pl. 73,2.

Kopp, Ulrich F. Palaeographia Critica. Vol. 4. Mannheim: Sumtibus Auctoris, 1829, p. 388, no. 898.

Kotansky, Roy. “Incantations and Prayers for Salvation on Inscribed Greek Amulets.” In: Magika Hiera: Ancient Greek Magic and Religion, edited by Christopher A. Faraone and Dirk Obbink. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997, p. 121+136, no. 104.

Kraus, Franz X. “Ueber ein angeblich basilidianisches Amulet.” Annalen des Vereins für Nassauische Alterthumskunde und Geschichtsforschung 9 (1868): 128.

Lehner, Hans. “Orientalische Mysterienkulte im römischen Rheinland. Erweiterter Vortrag, gehalten im Verein von Altertumsfreunden am 16. März 1924.” Bonner Jahrbücher 129 (1924): 63.

Oehler, Johann. “Epigraphische Beiträge zur Geschichte des Judentums.” Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 53 (1909): 449, no. 215.

Perdrizet, Paul. “Amulette Grecque Trouvée en Syrie.” Revue des Études Grecques 41 (1928): 82.

Preuschen, August G. Denkmäler von alten phisischen und politischen Revolutionen in Deutschland, besonders in Rheingegenden. Frankfurt am Main: Varrentrap und Wenner, 1787, p. 209-238. (misinterpretation)

Riese, Friedrich A. Das Rheinische Germanien in den antiken Inschriften. Leipzig: Teubner, 1914, p. 364, no. 3618.

Schleiermacher, Wilhelm. “Die Kleinfunde.” In: Die Römischen Heilthermen von Badenweiler, edited by Hermann Mylius. Berlin/Leipzig: Verlag von Walter de Gruyter & Co, 1936, p. 130.

Siebourg, Max. “Ein Gnostisches Goldamulet aus Gellep.” Bonner Jahrbücher 103 (1898): 135+139, no. 6.

Wagner, Ernst. Fundstätten und Funde aus Vorgeschichtlicher, Römischer und Alamannisch-Fränkischer Zeit im Großherzogtum Baden. Erster Teil. Das Badische Oberland. Tübingen: Verlag von J. C. B. Mohr, 1908, p. 168, fig. 12.

Wünsch, Richard. “Deisidaimoniaka.” Archiv für Religionswissenschaft 12 (1909): 26.

Zuntz, Günther. Persephone. Three Essays on Religion and Thought in Magna Graecia. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1971.

Trismegistos ID: PAThs:
PGM: question mark icon Papyri Gracae Magicae SM: question mark icon Supplementum Magicum GEMF: question mark icon Greek and Egyptian Magical Formularies (forthcoming) ACM: question mark icon Ancient Christian Magic
Bélanger Sarrazin: question mark icon Bélanger-Sarrazin. “Catalogue des textes magiques coptes” AKZ: question mark icon Ausgewählte koptische Zaubertexte CBd: question mark icon Campbell-Bonner Magical Gems Database Mert.-Pack: question mark icon Mertens-Pack online database
Van H: question mark icon van Haelst, Catalogue des papyrus littéraires Bruyn-Dijkstra: question mark icon de Bruyn and Dijkstra, “Greek Amulets and Formularies (Checklist)" TheDefix: question mark icon Thesaurus Defixionum To Zodion:
Edit History:

KD (13/9/2022); ST (18/10/2022); ST (19/10/2022); ST (20/10/2022); ST (21/10/2022); ST (22/10/2022); ST (24/10/2022); ST (31/10/2022); KD (8/11/2022); ST (22/3/2023); ST (20/4/2023)

How to cite:
Korshi Dosoo, Edward O.D. Love & Markéta Preininger (chief editors). "KYP M3828," Kyprianos Database of Ancient Ritual Texts and Objects, Accessed on 27/07/2024

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