Sigla: Modern names for the manuscript, including inventory and publication numbers. | Aberdeen, King’s College number unknown |
Category: Classification of the contents, e.g. magical (formulary or applied), alchemical, liturgical, documentary or medical. | Magical (applied) |
Contents: | 1. Ro ll. 1-11: Applied curse against Martha and Maria. |
Language(s): | Egyptian (Coptic) |
Script(s): | Coptic |
Dialect: | Akhmimic |
Language/dialect notes: | ϣ for ⲥ, ⲭ at times for ⳉ. See related text for further notes. |
Date: Dates are CE unless preceded by a minus sign <->, in which case they are BCE. | 301 – 500 |
Date notes: | 5th century date likely based on dialect and hand (KD + EL 22/9/2021); 4th-5th according to TM (26/9/18) |
Archive/collection: Larger collection to which manuscript belongs. | KYP A28 |
Archive name: | Aberdeen Scribal Group |
State of edition: | Published |
Image: |
Form: | Sheet |
Material: | Papyrus |
Dimensions (cm): | Height: 15.5 | Width: 11.5 | Depth: |
Dimensions (notes): | Meyer & Smith (1999: p. 206). |
Folding pattern: | 1 horizontal (?) and several vertical creases (based on photograph). According to Crum folded 7 times (vertically) and then 4 times (horizontally) (Crum 1922; Meyer and Smith). |
State of preservation: | Complete. |
Pages/Columns: Total surviving columns in the manuscript for rolls, sheets and rotuli; total number of pages for codices. | 1 |
Pages/Columns (notes): | 1 column recto (↓), 11 lines. |
Hand: | Aberdeen Scribe |
Findspot: | Upper Egypt, Egypt (?) (TM places ID: 2766) |
Place of purchase: | (TM places ID: ) |
Writingspot: | Upper Egypt, Egypt (?) (TM places ID: 2766) |
Present Location: | Aberdeen, King’s College |
Collection History: | Formerly Collection Grant Pascha (Crum 1922: p. 539; Kropp 1931: p. 227) |
Trismegistos collection: Page on the database Trismegistos collections for the institution which currently houses the manuscript. | 2 |
Collection website: |
Notes/Discussion: |
Bibiliography |
Editions: | Crum, Walter Ewing. “La Magie Copte: Nouveaux Textes.” In Recueil d’études égyptologiques dédiées à la mémoire de Jean-François Champollion à l’occasion du centenaire de la lettre à M. Dacier relative à l’alphabet des hiéroglyphes phonétiques, Paris: Champion , 1922, p. 539-540, no. I. |
Translations: | Kropp, Angelicus. Ausgewählte koptische Zaubertexte. Übersetzungen und Anmerkungen. Vol. 2. Bruxelles: Édition de la Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth, 1931, p. 227-228, no. 67. |
General: | Lee, G. M. “Demotica et Coptica.” Aegyptus 48 1/4 (1968): p. 140. |
Trismegistos ID: | 99595 |
PAThs: |
PGM: Papyri Gracae Magicae | SM: Supplementum Magicum | GEMF: Greek and Egyptian Magical Formularies (forthcoming) | ACM: Ancient Christian Magic | 100 |
Bélanger Sarrazin: Bélanger-Sarrazin. “Catalogue des textes magiques coptes” | 226 |
AKZ: Ausgewählte koptische Zaubertexte | 2.67 |
CBd: Campbell-Bonner Magical Gems Database | Mert.-Pack: Mertens-Pack online database | ||
Van H: van Haelst, Catalogue des papyrus littéraires | Bruyn-Dijkstra: de Bruyn and Dijkstra, “Greek Amulets and Formularies (Checklist)" | TheDefix: Thesaurus Defixionum | To Zodion: |
Edit History: | EL (26/9/2018); MPS (24/9/2019); KD (27/1/2020); MPS (27/8/2020); KD (2/6/2021); KD (22/9/2021) |